The Life Reset Process Fellowship Overview

14 days Online LIVE journey Writing retreat

The next processes:

Dates are in the  time zone

2025-02-14 13:00
2025-03-28 13:00
2025-04-11 13:00

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with Our Summer Promo!

Total Price:​ $798

Promo Price:​ $480

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Only $480

What's included?

10 Fellowship Sessions

During the two weeks, you will have access to 10 LIVE meetings on Zoom, which will be recorded for you to rewatch at a later time.

These are the core sessions where you will receive the instructions for the process, as well as have the opportunity to share and ask questions. Duration: 1.5 hours

Each session includes 20 minutes for Q&A, as well as a guided meditation, followed by 1 hour of writing with the group on Zoom. Three of the writing sessions will be right after the guided sessions.

A closing meeting to share and summarize what we’ve experienced in the process. Duration: 1 hour

Online Support​

Throughout the two weeks of the process, you will have online support with Liav, who will be available to answer any questions regarding the process, as well as any shares you may have. This support will be available through each Zoom session, our private WhatsApp group, and email.​

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Integration Call​

You will have the option for a private 20 minute integration call with Liav after the process is completed. In this session, you will have the opportunity to talk about breakthroughs, challenges, and how to incorporate the process into your daily life.​

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* All sessions will be recorded and will be available to you up to 4 weeks from the start of the process.

The 14-Day Stages

First stage - Writing

9-12 days

This is the core stage of the process. During this period, you will dedicate one hour per day to writing your life memories. You can choose to write at your convenience or participate in our Zoom writing sessions. In our initial Zoom meeting.

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Second stage - Processing

3-4 days

After completing the writing, you will move into the second phase, which involves a method of processing what you’v written. This phase requires one hour per day for 2-3 days, and on the final day 2-3 hours.

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Third stage - Closing Ceremony

1-2 hours

The Life Reset Process concludes with a personal closing ceremony. This final phase, which you’ll conduct on your own, typically lasts 1-2 hours. It marks the completion of your journey and brings the entire process to a meaningful close.

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* The duration of the days for each stage depends on various factors, such as the amount of time spent writing each day, age, memory recall, and more. 

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The Fellowship process

Sign up Form


You are signing up for the Fellowship process starting in:

2025-02-14 22:00|00:30

You can change the date of the process up to 1 week before the processes starts by filling up this form again

Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone number (including area code) *
For Whatsapp group

Personal Statements and Intentions:

By signing up to participate in the process, you agree to the following personal statements and intentions:

  1. I declare my full commitment to starting and completing the 14-day process, solely for my own benefit, and not for anyone else, including Liav Ivry, the facilitator.
  2. I understand that in order to finish the process on time with the rest of the group, I am required to dedicate at least one hour a day to writing/reading, during which time I will set aside time from all external distractions, and during this time I will do the process, for myself and for my own growth.
  3. I understand that The Life Reset Process is a group process, not an individual coaching session, and it is not defined as therapy. While Liav, the facilitator, is available for questions throughout the process, I recognize that it is my responsibility to seek professional mental health support if needed.
  4. I acknowledge that Liav is not a clinical therapist, and it is my responsibility to care for myself throughout the process with appropriate professional assistance if necessary.
  5. I accept full responsibility for my choice to participate in the process and for every step I take during it.
  6. I understand that The Life Reset Process involves a unique way of writing about my life, different from typical storytelling or autobiographical writing. This process is not intended to produce a final product for submission or sharing with others; its primary purpose is to facilitate my mental cleansing and balance.
  7. I am aware that everything I write during the process is meant to be read only by me and is not intended to be shared with anyone else.
  8. I understand that throughout the process, I will write exclusively with a pen on paper and will not use any digital devices.
  9. If I am currently undergoing therapy with a psychiatrist and/or receiving psychiatric treatment, I will consult with my therapist to ensure that it is appropriate for me to participate in this process.
I agree to the statement and personal intentions above: *

Cancellation Policy:

Full refund: Up to one week before the process starts.
No refund: After the process starts or if you stop participate at any point during the process.
Exception: If you withdraw before the second guided session, you can notify Liav the facilitator and get a 50% discount on any future process within 6 months.

I agree to the Cancellation Policy *

Confidentiality Policy:

The Life Reset Process is a unique experience where its most valuable aspects unfold as you participate. Therefore, there is a request and commitment to keep the details of the process and the instructions given during it to yourself and not to share them with others. Sharing them could lead to others attempting the process without proper guidance, potentially resulting in unintended or even negative outcomes.

By participating, you agree to this confidentiality statement. This means you will not share the process instructions or video links from the sessions provided by Liav Ivri Yanni, either during or after the process.

I agree to the Confidentiality Policy *

Why do I want to participate in The Life Reset Process?

Signing Up with Someone?

Please ensure that the family member (+16) you're inviting is committed to the process so they can gain the full benefits.

What is the full name of your family member? *
What is her/his email? *
An email will be send to them with a form to fill (not this one).

You can scheduel a 15 minutes Zoom call with Liav before paying

Choose your preferred date and time slot: *
Select the city you are in to see the correct time

Please write the time that works for you, and we will continue our communication via email

write your hours:

You are sigwning up for the Fellowship process starting in:

2025-02-14 22:00|00:30

You don't need a PayPal account—simply choose "Debit or Credit Card" and please enter your email if needed.

You are signing up for the Fellowship process starting in:

2025-02-14 22:00|00:30